• 519-669-4220
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct applies to all members, staff and guests of the Elmira Curling Club in the building or on the property:

Infractions to the following Code of Conduct will be assessed by the Board of Directors and the more serious infractions could result in cancellation of membership privileges or other disciplinary action with or without a refund of fees:

  • Any conduct considered threatening or harrassing or that could threaten the physical or emotional safety of the individual exhibiting the behaviour or others will not be tolerated.
  • Foul or abusive language will not be used at any time.
  • Intoxication will not be tolerated. Bar tenders are expected to refuse service to anyone who exhibits behaviour that would suggest the person is intoxicated.
  • Inappropriate expressions of anger are not acceptable.
  • Any conduct that could result in damage to the property of the Elmira Curling Club is unacceptable.
  • Members, staff and guests are expected to know and follow the safety guidelines as posted in the club.

Curling Etiquette - "Sportsmanship, Courtesy, Respect for Others"

Please follow these general rules of etiquette:

1)  A curling game starts and ends with handshakes or elbow bumps (during the Covid-19 pandemic, a smile and nod is sufficient). Introduce yourself at the start of the game and wish "Good Curling" to your opponents.

2)  To keep our ice as clean and damage free as possible:

  • Clean your shoes using the boot cleaner every time you enter the rink.
  • Replace worn grippers regularly.
  • Wear appropriate and clean footwear.
  • Do not place your hands on the ice.
  • Do not kneel or lie on the ice.
  • Clean your broom head regularly each game over a garbage receptacle (if brushes are available for this purpose). 
  • Do not pick up the rock, unless you still use a backswing delivery.

3)  To keep the game on time:

  • Be ready to deliver your rock when it's your turn.
  • Front-end players should get the skip's rock ready while the skip and vice are discussing the shot.

4)  Leads and seconds should stand on the sideline, between the hoglines unless it is their team's shot. Skips and vices should stand still and behind the backline when the opponents are shooting (OCA Rule).

5)  The throwing team is responsible for catching deflecting rocks (i.e. sweepers), but the opposing skip or vice can help.

6)  Only handle your own team's rocks (do not set out rocks for your opponent).

7)  Swearing and banging your broom at any time during the game is inappropriate. It disrupts other games.

8)  Do not celebrate your opponent's missed shots.

9)  Traditionally, the winning team buys a drink for the opposition and then the opposition returns the favour. Note: During the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, we ask that each person staying after the game buy their own drink.

10)  If you cannot attend a game, you should arrange a spare and notify your skip.



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Our Location

40 Eldale Rd.
Elmira, Ontario
N3B 2C7

Contact Us

P.O. Box 2
Elmira ON, N3B 2Z5

Phone: 519-669-4220

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Code of Conduct & Etiquette | Club By-Laws

About Us

Life is sweeter in Elmira!

We are a bustling 4 sheet curling facility in the heart of maple syrup country, just 15 minutes north of Waterloo Ontario.

There is something here for everyone - a top notch junior program, great programs for new curlers, a variety of fun bonspiels and many leagues to suit every level and schedule.   You can also rent ice time and our bar/lounge for that great party!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact us - we'd love to hear from you!

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